Wintertime is an excellent time for you to take a break and do something to recharge your battery before planting season gears up.

For just the two of you

Book a night or two somewhere you love or try a new bed and breakfast somewhere quaint. For a truly unique experience, how about staying in a historic hotel? Need more inspiration? Check out these Midwest historic hotels.

For the whole family

The website highlights the attractions that make your state unique. Plan an excursion around one or a few. Or check out the “Gravel Travels” column in past issues of this magazine for fun places to check out in NuTech territory. Here’s a list of the Children’s Museums in the Midwest that make for a great getaway weekend.

Get some extra shuteye

Your body may be programmed to rise with the sun (or before!), but winter’s shorter days can make it easier to get some extra sleep. So, if you’re still feeling that post-harvest level of tiredness, it’s a good time to grab some extra z’s. And don’t let that farmer mentality that you can’t take a nap during the day get in the way of getting the much-needed rest.

Have some hobby time

You may not have much time for hobbies during the season, so make time for them now. And it’s a great time to teach the kids or grandkids about the things you love.

Treat yourself!

Even if you received many great holiday gifts, spoiling yourself a little is okay.

“Cocoon” at home

If staying home sounds more relaxing, make the most of it. Take the time to enjoy movie nights, game nights, hobby days, whatever makes you feel good while at home.

Take an AgVaca

Have you wanted to attend a winter farm show or one of your ag organizations’ state or national conventions? It’s a great way to combine an educational experience to be a better farmer with learning and fun with your fellow farm families. Check out the National Farm Machinery Show and the Commodity Classic for top-notch educational shows.

Treat yourself during the winter to get rejuvenated for the spring. You and your family deserve it.