NuTech Seed reserves the right to substitute product at its discretion in the event of crop or allocation shortages. The Buyer may accept or reject the substitute product at the point of offer. NuTech Seed shall not be liable for any breach of warranty or breach of contract claims in connection with unavailable product.
NuTech Seed warrants that seed sold by it conforms to the label description on the seed packaging within tolerances established or permitted by law. NUTECH SEED MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WHICH ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. It is expressly agreed that NuTech Seed’s liability for any loss or damage arising out of or relating to the purchase or use of its products, including, but not limited to, liability arising out of breach of contract, breach of warranty or negligence, shall be limited, at the sole discretion of NuTech Seed, to comparable product or to refund of the amount of the purchase price for the seed. This remedy is exclusive. In no event shall NuTech Seed be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, including loss of profits.
NuTech Seed utilizes isolation and purity measures in the production of its seed products. Because of factors beyond its control, NuTech Seed does not represent or warrant that any NuTech Seed products are free of any genetically modified materials or organisms.
These terms and conditions of sale are in addition to those contained in NuTech Seed sale documents (e.g., order forms) and on NuTech Seed product packaging and labeling.
Product Notes:
Q (Qrome®) – Contains a single-bag integrated refuge solution for above- and below-ground insects. The major component contains the Agrisure® RW trait, the Bt trait, and the Herculex® XTRA genes. In EPA-designated cotton growing counties, a 20% separate corn borer refuge must be planted with Qrome products. Qrome® products are approved for cultivation in the U.S. and Canada. They have also received approval in a number of importing countries, most recently China. For additional information about the status of regulatory authorizations, visit
AQ – Optimum® AQUAmax® product. Product performance in water-limited environments is variable and depends on many factors, such as the severity and timing of moisture deficiency, heat stress, soil type, management practices and environmental stress, as well as disease and pest pressures. All products may exhibit reduced yield under water and heat stress. Individual results may vary.
AM – Optimum® AcreMax® Insect Protection system with YGCB, HX1, LL, RR2. Contains a single-bag integrated refuge solution for above-ground insects. In EPA-designated cottongrowing counties, a 20% separate corn borer refuge must be planted with Optimum AcreMax products. AML – Optimum® AcreMax® Leptra® products with AVBL, YGCB, HX1, LL, RR2. Contains a single-bag integrated refuge solution for above-ground insects. In EPA-designated cotton growing countries, a 20% separate corn borer refuge must be planted with Optimum AcreMax Leptra products. AMX – Optimum® AcreMax® Xtra Insect Protection system with YGCB, HXX, LL, RR2. Contains a single-bag integrated refuge solution for above- and below- ground insects. In EPA-designated cottongrowing counties, a 20% separate corn borer refuge must be planted with Optimum AcreMax Xtra products. AMXT (Optimum® AcreMax® XTreme) – Contains a single-bag integrated refuge solution for above- and below-ground insects. The major component contains the Agrisure® RW trait, a Bt trait, and the Herculex® XTRA genes. In EPA-designated cotton growing counties, a 20% separate corn borer refuge must be planted with Optimum AcreMax XTreme products. YGCB,HXX,LL,RR2 (Optimum® Intrasect® Xtra) – Contains a Bt trait and the Herculex XTRA genes for resistance to corn borer and corn rootworm. YGCB,HX1,LL,RR2 (Optimum® Intrasect®) – Contains a Bt trait and the Herculex® I gene for resistance to corn borer. RW,HX1,LL,RR2 (Optimum® TRIsect®) – Contains the Herculex I gene for above-ground pests and the Agrisure® RW trait for resistance to corn rootworm. RW,YGCB,HXX,LL,RR2 (Optimum® Intrasect® XTreme) – Contains the Agrisure® RW trait, a Bt trait and the Herculex® XTRA genes for resistance to corn borer and corn rootworm. Optimum Intrasect XTreme will be the major component of Optimum AcreMax XTreme.
Agrisure® technology incorporated into these seeds is commercialized under a license from Syngenta Crop Protection AG.
SmartStax® and PowerCore® multi-event technologies developed by Corteva Agriscience and Monsanto.
The transgenic soybean event in Enlist E3® soybeans is jointly developed and owned by Corteva Agriscience and M.S. Technologies L.L.C. Enlist Duo® and Enlist One® herbicides are not yet registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state or area. Enlist Duo and Enlist One herbicides are the only 2,4-D products authorized for use with Enlist crops. Consult Enlist herbicide labels for weed species controlled. Always read and follow label directions.
Components of LumiGEN® seed treatments are applied at a Corteva Agriscience production facility, or by an independent sales representative of Corteva Agriscience or its affiliates. Not all sales representatives offer treatment services, and costs and other charges may vary. See your sales representative for details. Seed applied technologies exclusive to Corteva Agriscience and its affiliates.
Always follow IRM, grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. B.t. products may not yet be registered in all states. Check with your seed representative for the registration status in your state.
Trademark Ownership:
™ ® Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies.
Roundup Ready® is a registered trademark used under license from Monsanto company.
Liberty®, LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design are trademarks of BASF.
PowerCore® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC. Always follow IRM, grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. B.t. products may not yet be registered in all states. Check with your seed representative for the registration status in your state.
®SmartStax and the SmartStax Logo are registered trademarks of Bayer Group.
®Agrisure and Agrisure Viptera are trademarks of, and used under license from, a Syngenta Group Company.
®Respect the Refuge Logo is a trademark of the National Corn Growers Association.
Soybeans Piracy Statement:
Not only can it be illegal to save and replant patented seed, but, as a grower, you need to consider the yield results and profitability. NuTech Seed offers no quality guarantee for bin-run seed. Growers also incur extra costs, like cleaning, storage, handling and germination testing for such endeavors.
Benefits of New Seed:
- Meets quality standards of seed company
- Professionally handled and rigorously tested
- Dramatically reduces splits and foreign matter
- Ensures varietal purity
- Germination tests for peace of mind
- Weed-free
- Access to the most elite germplasm
- Average loss of approximately 10% to 15% cleanout at harvest for bin-run seed
- New seed yields an average of 1.8 bushels per acre more than bin-run seed (university yield trials range from 1.2 to 5.9 bushels per acre)
- Dealer agronomic support before and after the sale
- Royalties provide research and development of new traits and higher-yielding germplasm
- New trait introductions
- Seven to nine years for commercialization
- $50 million to $100 million in total costs for a new biotech trait