The NuTech Lifestyle just got a WHOLE LOT better
Our brand new 2025 corn class delivers impressive yield advantages and more revenue per bag! Sourced from one of the largest germplasm pools in the world at Corteva Agriscience™, the NuTech Seed® corn class features not only Enlist® technology, but products with the latest above-ground and below-ground insect protection.
NuTech Seed brand Vorceed® Enlist® corn is proven to deliver a 7.3 bu/A yield advantage1 and $84.86† more per bag vs. the current NuTech Seed brand Qrome® corn products. And NuTech Seed brand PowerCore® Enlist® corn offers a 3.2 bu/A yield advantage2 with $37.20†† more per bag vs. the current NuTech Seed brand above-ground corn products.
That’s what we call living the NuTech Lifestyle. And while phenomenal yield potential and the best in traits may not be everything, having that kind of success sure does make farming more enjoyable for you and your family. And we’re certainly proud to be able to help support it.
New corn class in action
Learn more about the latest genetics and traits, and how these innovations are raising on-farm performance expectations.
A closer look at the data
Check out the results of extensive multi-year testing across the NuTech territory.

See the difference
The new corn class may appear similar in the field, but a closer look at what’s inside reveals the latest in genetic and trait innovations.

An agronomist’s take

Brad Johnson, NuTech Sales Agronomy Lead, Certified Crop Advisor responds to questions about the new 2025 corn class, NuTech Seed brand Vorceed Enlist corn, NuTech Seed brand PowerCore Enlist corn and more.
† Income/A Advantage is calculated with the price of corn at $4.65 per bushel in 2023. Assuming 2.5 planted acres, this generates a $84.86 per bag revenue advantage against the 2023 class of NuTech Seed® brand Qrome® corn products, or a $33.94 per bag revenue advantage per acre. Revenue advantage can be commonly referred to as Adjusted Gross Income (AGI).
†† Income/A Advantage is calculated with the price of corn at $4.65 per bushel in 2023. Assuming 2.5 planted acres, this generates a $37.20 per bag revenue advantage against the 2023 class of NuTech Seed® above-ground corn products, or $14.88 per bag revenue advantage per acre. Revenue advantage can be commonly referred to as Adjusted Gross Income (AGI).
††† Not all FOP herbicides are labeled for use in Bt corn products with the Enlist® trait. Before use, review the product label to ensure the product is labeled for use on Bt corn with the Enlist trait.
1 Data is based on an average of 1,587 comparisons made in the NuTech Seed footprint through 2023. Comparisons are against all comparisons, unless otherwise stated, and within +/- 3 CRM of the competitive brand. Product responses are variable and subject to a number of environmental, disease and pest pressures. Individual results may vary. Multi-year and multi-location data are a better predictor of performance. DO NOT USE THIS OR ANY OTHER DATA FROM A LIMITED NUMBER OF TRIALS AS A SIGNIFICANT FACTOR IN PRODUCT SELECTION. Refer to NuTechSeed.com or contact your NuTech Seed representative for the latest and complete listing of traits and scores for the products provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents.
2 Data is based on an average of 5,449 comparisons made in the NuTech Seed footprint through 2023. Comparisons are against all comparisons, unless otherwise stated, and within +/- 3 CRM of the competitive brand. Product responses are variable and subject to a number of environmental, disease and pest pressures. Individual results may vary. Multi-year and multi-location data are a better predictor of performance. DO NOT USE THIS OR ANY OTHER DATA FROM A LIMITED NUMBER OF TRIALS AS A SIGNIFICANT FACTOR IN PRODUCT SELECTION. Refer to NuTechSeed.com or contact your NuTech Seed representative for the latest and complete listing of traits and scores for the products provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents.
3 2020 Corteva Agriscience Tent Emergence trials. 6 locations.