NuTech Lifestyle Blog
Welcome to the NuTech Lifestyle blog. We talk about the NuTech Lifestyle a lot and this blog is a chance to explore what that really means—putting success, enjoyment and family at the center of all we do. We’ll cover lots of topics and share voices from many different contributors and perspectives. After all, there’s no one way to live the NuTech Lifestyle. It’s all about how each of us appreciates what makes farm life so special. Enjoy!
Seed Decay and Seedling Blights
Yesterday, I checked eight corn fields in north-central Missouri and south-central Iowa with emergence and stand issues. All of these fields were planted on either May 16th or 17th. While most of the emerged plants appeared to be healthy, rotted seeds were found in...
Late Planted Corn Tips & Considerations
Focus on the things that we can control including these practices: Maintain normal planting depth, no shallower than 2” Research suggests normal planting populations Certainly, we’ve lost part of any applied nitrogen, in-season N management will be crucial for yield...
Corn Emergence & Stand Evaluation
It looks like we’ll finally see some sun, warmer temperatures and soils fit for planting. Certain areas of our footprint had a good run on corn planting a few weeks ago. Not much has occurred since, other than cold and wet conditions. This sunshine and warm...
Planting Seeds of Health
With all the rain we’ve had, when a sunny day pops out, farmers swarm to the fields. They’re racing the calendar to get everything in the ground – before Mother Nature’s next rainy downpour. That fast and furious pace (doesn’t it seem like it gets faster every year?)...
A wet spring: putting it into perspective
For some there were stories of the wet spring, for some there has been loss, and for most, there have been delays and concern. What does late planting mean for the farm? Let's try and put it into perspective. The cornbelt does not reach 50% planted by May 10th about...